Home » Beretta 92FS vs Beretta PX4- Which Gun Is Better?

Beretta 92FS vs Beretta PX4- Which Gun Is Better?

Can’t choose between the Beretta 92FS and Beretta PX4 for a semi-automatic handgun which suits you the best? Don’t worry, we are here to help.

Our comparative analysis between the two models would shed light on various factors to assist you in making your decision. We will be going in depth about: 

  • The differences which set the two guns apart 
  • The superior alternative in each important aspect

Let’s get right to it!

Size and Appearance

Beretta 92FS Compact PX4
Overall Length (mm)217 173
Barrel Length (mm)12583
Width (mm) 38 36 
Height (mm)143 129 
Empty Weight (oz)  33.3 27.2 

With regards to the dimensions, Beretta 92FS is clearly larger than the compact PX4 Storm. There is a visible difference between the lengths and heights of both.  

Even though, both the guns can be considered as exceptionally hefty for their size, the 92FS weighs noticeably more than its counterpart. 

Beretta 92fs

While both the guns carry the signature Beretta appearance with a refined Bruniton finish, the 92FS has a metallic exterior (as it is based on an older design) and the PX4 is majorly constructed with light-weight polymer. 

Beretta PX4- Credits to @umile_cairo_akela89

Feel in Hand

Sometimes referred to as a “full-size” handgun, the 92FS has a cumbersome grip due to its size and may not be prefered by dudes with small hands. It is more suited for military uses as opposed to the more common home defense purpose. 

Despite 92FS having larger grip, is still comfortable enough to perform long stretches of shooting at the range. It exudes power but at the same time has a smooth feel to it. 

In contrast, the PX4 has a smaller grip and is more fitting for people with small to medium sized hands. It almost feels inadequate when compared with the 92FS. The sides are slightly slippery and feel a little awkward during the handling of the gun. 


Both 92FS and PX4 have a 9mm caliber, 3-dot sight system and locked breech system. They are much alike with chrome-filled barrels which are good against corrosion and thus seldom require maintenance.    

The 92FS supports both double-action and single-action, with an open-slide design that results in a better cycle time and feeding mechanism for consistent rounds. Even though the double-action is reportedly heavy, the single-action has positive reviews all across the board. 

PX4 is available in both single-action with double-action model and an exclusive double-action version. However, the single/double-action model has far better performance.

The PX4 has been designed with a rotary barrel operating system which translates to a slightly more sustained fire rate, rendering it the winner in this department.  

Shooting Experience

92FS is more accurate in longer ranges while at closer ranges the difference is negligible.

For 92FS, the recoil is reasonably subtle and the muzzle climb is gentler as compared to other similar guns. This allows for a faster realignment of the target and therefore, has a satisfactory precision during shooting. 

The PX4 has an even softer recoil and faster target reacquisition because of the rotary barrel system, while the trigger pull also presents less friction as compared to its heavier opponent. Evidently, making PX4 the clear victor here, contrary to what most would expect.  

Conceal Carry and Draw

As a consequence of its large dimensions and weight, the 92FS may be difficult to conceal. The PX4 is generally considered concealable because of its rounded trigger guard. While the compact model is easier to hide, the full-size PX4 shows more resistance to concealment.  

Magazine/Clip and Reload

The Beretta 92FS has a magazine capacity of 15+1 rounds, which for its size could be considered quite inadequate. However, users have applauded it over its reliability and its immunity against malfunctions during the reloads. 

The absence of a beveled mag well, which helps in insertion of magazines, is definitely a disadvantage for 92FS but it does not take away too many points from its performance. The PX4 also has the capacity of 17+1 rounds, but because it has a beveled mag well it is slightly more favored. 

Safety and Disassembly

The disassembly mechanism of the 92FS, is largely preferred over many of its peers. The gun can be disassembled without the pull of its trigger. Which not only makes the process safer but easier as well.

For PX4, the safety is mounted on the slide instead of the frame. Due to this design flaw, one can accidentally decock the PX4 when they just want to control the slide.

Price and Value for Money- Which One to Buy?

Both, 92FS and PX4 have their shining moments but when it comes down to a decision we need to see where the balance tips.

The price for the 92FS ranges from $750 to $770, on most websites. I would not recommend buying it from Brownell’s because they have priced it at around $850, which is ridiculous. You can get it for close to $700 from Guns.com, one of our recommended online retailer. Here are the links for your convenience:

Also you can view the entire collection of new and used 92fs over there by clicking here.

Even though there is only a slight difference in performance, the PX4 is comparatively cheaper ranging from $620 to $640. The PX4 storm variant is around $40 more expensive. With a rotary barrel system, gentler recoil and better conceal carry which comes with PX4, the value for money is actually quite good.

If you are interested in buying it, you can click here to view the entire collection of used and new Beretta PX4 that Guns.com has in stock. I would recommend buying it from them since they are the only recommended retailer that stocks the PX4.

Conclusion- Which One Should You Buy?

All in all, I would recommend chipping in a few extra bucks and going for the iconic Bertta 92FS. You simply can not beat its iconic looks and precision that comes with it serves as the cherry on top.

Also, if you are someone with bigger than average hands, the PX4 will feel a bit underwhelming while holding it. Nonetheless, I do not have any major complaints with it and some experts might argue that it is the more sophisticated choice. Thus, either way you go, you are bound to be pleased with your decision.

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If you liked this comparison, you can check out my other equally in-depth gun comparisons by clicking on the links below:

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