Home » Are Low Weight Guns More Efficient?- All Pros and Cons

Are Low Weight Guns More Efficient?- All Pros and Cons

In the firearms industry there is a question that has been the topic of debate for a number of years among gun enthusiasts and that is the ideal weight of the firearms.

There are quite a few other factors that come into play when discussing the merits and demerits of light weight guns versus heavier guns.

In the firearms industry there is no philosophy of one size fits all so we have decided to look at a few factors to figure out whether low weight guns are actually more efficient in all conditions or not.

The Ideal Gun Weight

To understand the efficiency of low weight guns we need to first figure out what constitutes their ideal weight.

The ideal weight will obviously depend on the personal preferences, the shooter’s size and strength and intended use of the gun. When talking about ideal gun weight it is important to keep in mind the handling and stability of the gun as well.

There are certain firearms which are low weight but their performance leaves a lot to be desired like the Raven MP 25 which comes in at a mere 15 ounces but constantly makes the top ten list of worst guns.

Ideally, the weight for a concealed carry weapon should be about 20 to 30 ounces. If you are looking for a lightweight hunting rifle then the perfect weight should be somewhere between 7 to 10 pounds or its handling and accuracy will suffer.

For shotguns we would advise nothing less than 6 to 10 pounds because although a lightweight shotgun would be easy to carry, a heavier one would provide less felt recoil and much more stability.

Pros of Low Weight Guns

Conceal Carry

Demand for concealed carry weapons has been on the rise for the past decade. Lightweight guns have gained popularity because they can easily be concealed in a purse or holster.

Due to their lightweight they are also easy to maneuver and can be wielded easily and accurately.

Reduced Fatigue

Carrying a heavy gun can easily cause fatigue in your shoulders and arms which can affect accuracy but with low weight guns you will have much less of that problem. 


In general, lower weight guns are less expensive. I know that this is a whopping generalization but hear me out. Lighter guns require much less raw material to produce.

On the other hand, heavier guns are more sturdier and overall more resilient which makes them more expensive to manufacture. Thus, heavier guns will generally cost you more.

Cons of Low Weight Guns

Although lightweight guns can be a very good choice for individuals there are some drawbacks to them as well.

More Felt Recoil and Less Accuracy

A heavier gun will generally have less recoil which can increase the accuracy of your shots and lead to faster follow up shots.

A lightweight gun can have up to 20% more felt recoil depending on the model so if you are not an experienced shooter you might have some problems aiming accurately.

Less Ammunition Capacity

In order to reduce the weight of the gun most low weight guns come with smaller capacity magazines. This is not a deal breaker for most users, since you can keep extra magazines.

Decreased Durability

Lightweight guns are usually made from low density steel or aluminum. While these materials do reduce weight they can lead to a decrease in their longevity of the gun.

Are Lower Weighted Guns More Efficient?

If quicker rounds and faster follow ups are your thing, lighter guns may objectively be more efficient for you. They also allow you to practice for longer durations while getting less fatigued.

In return, you give some of the control and accuracy while feeling a bit more recoil. In my experience, the durability and longevity of the firearm suffers as well.

Ultimately it will be your personal preferences which will determine what sort of weapon you want but we recommend going to the firing range and testing out different lightweight weapons before choosing the final one.

Overall though, lower weight guns are a very good option to consider if you are a beginner or a person of smaller stature.

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Here are some really good gun comparisons that compare guns that are considered lightweight in their category: